our vision

Strategay is at the Heart of What We Do

Our vision is to inspire businesses to put employee wellbeing at the heart of everything they do. Our mission is to use employee wellbeing as a tool to champion positive change in the modern workplace.

How it works

what we offer

Business Shaped Solutions

We are specialists in both economics and information technologies and we apply our full range of talent to creating the perfect solution for each client’s needs.

Business Consultations

marketing strategy

advanced analytic

enterprise technology

partnership system

business innovation

Çevirmen Kimdir?

Çevirmenler çileci kişilerdir. Genlerine mazohistlik karışmış olmalıdır. Okuma-anlama, yorumlama, yazma konusunda – bazen – üstün beceriler geliştirmiş olmalarına karşın, ömür boyu zevkle okuma, yorumcu olma, yazarlık yapma gibi daha doyurucu uğraşları seçmezler de, başkalarının ürettiği metinlerle uğraşıp durmak gibi – pek de akıllıca görülemeyecek – bir uğraşı seçerler. Bu seçmeyi neden yaptıklarını, çevirmenlere ancak kendileri – ya da ruh doktorları – açıklayabilir.


Çevirmenlik Bildirgesi

Çağdaş dünyada çevirinin sürekli, evrensel ve gerekli bir etkinlik olarak kendini kabul ettirdiğini;

halklar arasında düşünsel ve maddesel alışverişleri sağlayarak ulusların yaşamını zenginleştirdiğini

ve insanlar arasında daha iyi bir anlaşılmaya katkıda bulunduğunu;

Nitelikli Çevirmen

Change is opportunity. The challenges it presents may seem daunting, but we help you approach change with confidence, adapt with purpose and embrace.

Our results solution combines implementation support, capability building and state-of-the-art diagnostic and analytic tools so you can continually change.


Çevirmenin Kaleminden

Change is opportunity. The challenges it presents may seem daunting, but we help you approach change with confidence, adapt with purpose and embrace.

Our results solution combines implementation support, capability building and state-of-the-art diagnostic and analytic tools so you can continually change.

Counsalting Service Include

Change is opportunity. The challenges it presents may seem daunting, but we help you approach change with confidence, adapt with purpose and embrace.

Our results solution combines implementation support, capability building and state-of-the-art diagnostic and analytic tools so you can continually change.


Counsalting Service Include

Change is opportunity. The challenges it presents may seem daunting, but we help you approach change with confidence, adapt with purpose and embrace.

Our results solution combines implementation support, capability building and state-of-the-art diagnostic and analytic tools so you can continually change.

what we offer

Our Business Philosophy

We are specialists in both economics and information technologies and we apply our full range of talent to creating the perfect solution for each client’s needs.

Our Mission

Partnerships are important so we're here to support you for the long term. We're never judgmental because we understand on a human level.

Our Vision

Partnerships are important so we're here to support you for the long term. We're never judgmental because we understand on a human level.

Our Values

Partnerships are important so we're here to support you for the long term. We're never judgmental because we understand on a human level.

Years of Experience


trusted clients


visited conferences


master certification